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The offer ageerment

The offer ageerment

Online store offer agreement: IE Ulyanov Alexander Vladimirovich, represented by the online store www.sheepheat.com (hereinafter the SELLER), publishes this agreement, which is a public offer agreement to both individuals and legal entities (hereinafter the BUYER) on the following:

1. Subject of the offer agreement.

1.1. The SELLER undertakes to transfer the ownership to the BUYER, and the BUYER undertakes to pay for and accept the goods ordered in the online store www.sheepheat.com (hereinafter PRODUCT).

2. The moment of the conclusion of the contract.

2.1. The text of this Agreement is a public offer (in accordance with Article 435 and Part 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

2.2. The fact of ordering the GOODS from the SELLER, both independently and through the operator, is the unconditional acceptance of this Agreement, and the BUYER is considered as a person who entered into a contractual relationship with the IE Ulyanov Alexander Vladimirovich.

2.3. The ordering of the GOODS and the calculation is carried out by ordering by the BUYER in the online store www.winspec.ru.

3. Price of the GOODS.

3.1. Prices in the online store are indicated in the currency of the buyer's country per unit of GOODS.

3.2. Tariffs for the provision of services for the delivery, unloading and lifting of the GOODS are indicated in the online store for each GOODS, depending on its characteristics.

3.3. The total amount of the ORDER, which in some cases (at the request of the buyer) may include paid delivery of the GOODS, is indicated in the "Basket" section in the "Total" line.

4. Payment for the GOODS.

4.1. In the case of a non-cash form of payment, the BUYER's obligation to pay the price of the GOODS is considered fulfilled from the moment the funds are debited in the amount of 100% (one hundred percent) of the prepayment from the BUYER's current account in a bank, a credit institution that provides payment services to the population in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, including including using electronic money.

4.3. In the case of a non-cash form of payment, the delay in payment by the BUYER of the price of the GOODS for a period exceeding 5 (five) days is a significant violation of this agreement. In this case, the SELLER has the right to unilaterally refuse to execute this agreement, notifying the BUYER about it.

4.4. GOODS are supplied to the BUYER at prices, names, in quantities corresponding to the invoice paid by the BUYER.

5. Delivery of the GOODS.

5.1. Delivery of the GOODS to the BUYER is carried out at the address and within the terms agreed by the BUYER and the SELLER's manager when placing the ORDER, or the BUYER independently picks up the goods from the SELLER's warehouse at the address specified in clause 13 (Store details) of this AGREEMENT. The order execution time is 15 working days. After readiness, the order is transferred for delivery to courier services.

5.2. The exact cost of delivery of the GOODS is determined by the SELLER's manager when placing an order and cannot be changed after agreement by the BUYER.

5.3. Failure to appear by the BUYER or failure to perform other necessary actions to accept the GOODS may be considered by the SELLER as a refusal of the BUYER to execute the CONTRACT.

5.4. If the BUYER, when placing an order, is not satisfied with the production time of the GOODS, the BUYER can write an application for a refund, and the SELLER returns the money to the BUYER within 10 working days.

6. Guarantees for the GOODS. 6.1. All products sold in the online store www.sheepheat.com have all the necessary quality certificates and sanitary and hygienic certificates.

6.2. The warranty period for the GOODS is set by the manufacturer. The warranty period is indicated in the warranty card.

7. Rights and obligations of the parties.

7.1. The SELLER undertakes: prior to the conclusion of the contract, provide the BUYER with information about the main consumer properties of the GOODS, the address (location) of the SELLER, the place of manufacture of the GOODS, the full corporate name (name) of the SELLER, the price and terms of purchase of the goods, its delivery, service life, duration shelf life and warranty period, on the procedure for paying for the goods, as well as on the period during which the proposal to conclude an Agreement is valid. Do not disclose any private information of the BUYER and do not provide access to this information to third parties, except as provided by Russian law. Provide the BUYER with the opportunity to receive free telephone consultations by the phones indicated on the store's website (www.sheepheat.com). The scope of consultations is limited to specific issues related to the implementation of the ORDER. The SELLER reserves the right to change this AGREEMENT unilaterally until it is concluded. Provide the Consumer at the time of delivery of the goods in writing with information about the goods, provided for in Article 10 of the Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", as well as information provided for in paragraph 10 of this Agreement on the procedure and timing of the return of the goods.

7.2. The BUYER undertakes: Until the conclusion of the AGREEMENT, familiarize yourself with the content of the offer agreement, terms of payment and delivery on the store's website (www.sheepheat.com). Provide reliable information about yourself (full name, contact numbers, e-mail address) and details for the delivery of the GOODS. Accept and pay for the GOODS within the terms specified in this AGREEMENT.

8. Responsibility of the Parties and Dispute Resolution. 8.1. The parties are responsible for non-performance or improper performance of this AGREEMENT in the manner prescribed by this AGREEMENT and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.2. The seller is not responsible for the delivery of the ORDER if the BUYER indicates an incorrect delivery address.

8.3. The SELLER is not responsible if the BUYER's expectations about the consumer properties of the GOODS were not met. 8.4. The SELLER is not responsible for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations for the delivery of the GOODS if they are the result of force majeure.

8.5. The BUYER, when placing an ORDER, is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided about himself, and also confirms that he is familiar with the terms of this AGREEMENT and agrees.

8.6. All disputes and disagreements arising from the performance of the PARTIES 'obligations under this Agreement shall be resolved through negotiations. If it is impossible to eliminate them, the PARTIES have the right to apply for judicial protection of their interests.

9. Return and exchange of goods.

9.1. The BUYER's demand for the exchange or return of the GOODS shall be satisfied if the GOODS were not in use, their consumer properties were preserved, the packaging was preserved and not broken, the documents confirming the purchase of this GOODS in the online store were saved.

9.2. The term for such a demand is 7 (seven) days from the date of transfer of the GOODS to the BUYER, or at any time before the transfer of the GOODS to the BUYER.

9.3. The BUYER compensates the SELLER for the necessary transport costs incurred in connection with the organization of the exchange or return of the GOODS.

10. Force majeure circumstances.

10.1. The parties are released from liability for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement for the duration of the force majeure. Force majeure means extraordinary and insurmountable circumstances under the given conditions that prevent the PARTIES from fulfilling their obligations under this Agreement.

These include natural phenomena (earthquakes, floods, etc.), circumstances of public life (military actions, states of emergency, major strikes, epidemics, etc.), prohibitive measures of state bodies (prohibition of transportation, currency restrictions, international sanctions trade bans, etc.).

During this time, the PARTIES have no mutual claims, and each of the PARTIES assumes its own risk of the consequences of force majeure.

11. Duration of the contract.

11.1. This CONTRACT comes into force from the moment of contacting the IP Ulyanov Alexander Vladimirovich and placing the ORDER, and ends with the full fulfillment of obligations by the PARTIES.

12. Personal data.

12.1. The SELLER collects and processes the personal data of the BUYERS (namely: surname, name, patronymic of the BUYER; delivery address; contact phone number) in order to: fulfillment of the terms of this Agreement; delivery of the ordered Goods to the Buyer.

12.2. Making an ORDER OF GOODS in the online store www.sheepheat.com? The BUYER agrees to the collection and processing of personal data about himself in order to deliver the ordered GOODS and fulfill the terms of this AGREEMENT.

12.3. When collecting and processing personal data of BUYERS, the SELLER does not pursue other goals, except for those established in clause

12.1 of this AGREEMENT.

12.4. Only persons directly involved in the execution of ORDERS have access to the personal data of BUYERS.

13. Details of the online store.

INN: 352527545010

Gearbox: 352502001

OKPO: 0137975546

OGRNP: 318352500059772

Settlement account: 40802810712000014475


Corr. account: 30101810900000000644

Legal address: 160012, Vologda region, Vologda, Sovetsky prospect, 115, office 1

Phone: +79211251180

IE Ulyanov Alexander Vladimirovich

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