
Sheepskin is an excellent material that is used not only in sewing fur coats and hats. Sheepskin products have long won fans among lovers of stylish home and car accessories.

Why is sheepskin so versatile?

Natural sheepskin is known to all housewives. Warm and beautiful things are made from it. It is a natural material, not synthetic. It is rarely allergic to it and even with prolonged use, the appearance does not suffer. Today, there are incredibly many products that are made from sheepskin. They do not require special care, only proper washing in a gentle mode in a washing machine or by hand. They dry quickly and can be used further. They perfectly absorb moisture and retain heat for a long time, do not shrink.

What kind of sheepskin products should you definitely buy for your home?

 For home use, you can buy a sheepskin blanket, fur stools for chairs.

A fur blanket is a great alternative to artificial materials so popular today. True, it will not be weightless, but under it you will definitely not freeze even in the most severe frosts. It will last for more than one generation and will not lose its properties at all. Even today in the Ovechkin Fur Manufactory you can buy sheepskin capes for a sofa or bed. A very convenient thing that can be used later and as a blanket. A pillow for a stool or a pillow for a chair made of natural sheepskin is not only a stylish addition to the interior, but also an opportunity to feel comfortable in a sitting position. It is always pleasant to sit on it, it does not slip, looks stylish, durable, easy to clean and dries quickly. Sheepskin hide is no less popular instead of carpet on the floor. Designers often use it to create a special atmosphere in country houses, but in other rooms it can easily create a special mood.

What kind of sheepskin products produced by the Ovechkin Fur Manufactory can be purchased in a car?

Sheepskin car seat covers are not an outdated option at all. Most car enthusiasts dislike them due to the difficulty of cleaning. But they are perfectly erased, only you need to comply with the conditions. Low temperature and liquid special products will quickly clean up any contamination. Natural sheepskin is an exceptional material for car interiors. It is warm with it in winter, it looks stylish and will last much longer than any other artificial materials. This is a proven fact.

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